Friday, March 23, 2007

Customer made

“The phenomenon of corporations creating goods, services and experiences in close cooperation with experienced and creative consumers, tapping into their intellectual capital, and in exchange giving them a direct say in (and rewarding them for) what actually gets produced, manufactured, developed, designed, serviced, or processed.”

What is it not?
Personalization or customizing products. This takes place after the basics of the product have been defined by the company.

What is it?
Consumers have always been saving up their insights about stuff they consume. Nowadays, 'Generation C' (creative people who have access to professional hardware, software, online distribution channels etc.) combined with millions of lead users, early adopters and brilliant business people create together "The Global Brain". Companies use the opinion of the people from this "Global Brain" in the process of new product development. Therefore this trend is called Customer Made.


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I'm a student Communication & Multimedia Design.