Saturday, June 30, 2007

[13] Experimentless marketeers

Blogging, social networking, Twitter, online shopping, YouTube and Flickr; all examples of the current Web 2.0 development.
MarketResponse is one of the first research agencies which has done research about social networking websites like Hyves, MySpace and Second Life. By who, how and when they are used. The result: used and well known by many consumers, but not by marketeers.
'Most marketeers have no clue how to handle these developments.'

Apparently the experimental level of the marketeers is very low. Some of the marketeers who were there at the presentation of the results of the research had never even seen or heard of Hyves, although Hyves is known by 97% of the consumers.

Some results of the research also explain why this area is not a very popular place for marketeers; one of every five men lies about his sex and for women this is one out of ten. One of every four men lies about his age and one out of every eleven women do this too.
This doesn't make it very easy for marketeers to reach their target groups.

53% of the questioned consumers were positive about commercial expressions on the social networking websites, although it wouldn't add more value to a company's vision, innovation or general exposure.

Since the current situation on the internet is how it is, marketeers will just have to be more curious and open-minded. They shouldn't be scared about things they don't know, but they should just dive in and find new opportunities.

About Me

I'm a student Communication & Multimedia Design.