Friday, December 28, 2007

WP5: Remarkable call back by Volkswagen

Today Volkswagen placed advertisements in all Dutch daily papers in which they ask owners of a Volkswagen Golf 1 from the construction year 1974 to go back to their dealers. Something would be wrong with the closing mechanism of the dashboard locker... And since this brings down the standards of the quality of the car, Volkswagen decided it needs to be fixed.

It turns out all these owners can get a free maintenance service. I wonder how many response they will get!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

WP4: New logo Rijksoverheid

The Dutch National Government has chosen the logo created by Studio Dumbar to represent the government from now on. Prime Minister Balkenende presented the logo on December 21st. This is the first impression of the new logo:

The definite version of the logo and the complete house style will be ready and presented somewhere halfway 2008. The implementation process will take three years.

"For the first time in Dutch history, the Dutch government has decided to present a unified graphic identity nationwide, which will apply to all organisations that fall directly under Ministerial responsibility. These include the 13 ministries, inspectorates and interdepartmental senders such as Postbus 51, and Job Mobility Centre."

The logo looks 'sober', to emphasize neutrality and continuity of the Dutch government.

In my opinion the logo does look sober. I expected something more original; the chosen image isn't, but it's definitely recognizable for the Dutch people and I think that is important.
I am very curious about the next step. Which fonts will be chosen to indicate who the sender of a letter is, or how it's going to be used in communication.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WP3: Finally the fresh breeze in Insuranceland

Last year we did a battle of concepts for Nationale Nederlanden. The assignment: to create a new insurance which looked less boring and would take away the dusty and complicated image from insurances. I don't know who won the battle but I guess one company got inspired...

It all started not so long ago when posters in the shelters of bus stops started popping up, showing the word 'Datzo', visualized in a logo from well known insurance companies.

With Google, the 'Datzo' website is found easily. The website offers you the most ridiculous insurances, way too many tabs and a guy who's looking like a typical person who you wouldn't want to handle your insurance stuff. Not really a website to take seriously…especially considering the subject.

It took me a while to find out what really was the point... But here it is.
There is a new insurance company on the market, called 'Ditzo'. Now 'Ditzo' has released a guerilla campaign in which they refer to all the other insurance companies as 'Datzo'. So instead of using the real competitors names, they've just chosen to use a collective name, associated to the name of their own company. Pretty clever!!

The guerrilla campaign has now expanded to commercials on youtube where Ditzo makes it a little clearer how they think about Datzo insurances and why people should shift to Ditzo. They’ve also released a press report.

Ditzo makes a few promises other insurance companies don’t (like when your car is total loss, you get a car equally to the one you had) so that’s how they differentiate. With a little over 1300 views in just one week I think the campaign can really become a hit.

Now just wait and see if they can get people to sign up for their insurances!

Thanks to:

WP 2: About trends

When looking for trends for the final assignment of this minor, I ran into a nicely visualized trendwatch in the Adformatie.
The trend is called 'the Smaakmassa', which implies that 'design' nowadays is not just for people who can afford 'design', it's for everybody. Design should be part of everything, from everyday products to luxury goods.
Everything should look pretty, ugly is just old fashioned.
Take a look at the picture below!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

WP1: Interesting means to practice narrowcasting

Since this really is the time to get deep into the subject of my thesis, I've been doing a lot of research about narrowcasting. Two applications caught my eye, because of the new visual way of reaching people.

The 3M Vikuiti Rear Projection Film
3M created a new application which consists of foils that are made of glass pearls and a beamer. The foil can be placed on a display (shopping) window and a beamer projects information on the back of the foil. This allows the retailer to show dynamic visuals on the display window.

Mirror application by MagicDisplay
This mirror can be put in clubs, hotels, restaurants or any other place which has public mirrors. It looks like a regular mirror, if the person who looks in it is close enough to it. If the person changes his or her angle towards the mirror, the mirror changes into a display which can show advertisements.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Goals Update

Old goals:

  • Challenge myself by doing not only the 1-point assignments. At the end of each quarter I want to have done at least 2 assignments for 2 points or more.
  • Work on Product Development for 20 hours on a weekly bases so that I will not have to do everything last minute at the end of a quarter.
  • Stay up to date of multimedia/ marketing trends by reading weblogs/magazines weekly. Post interesting messages on my blog.
  • For every assignment which includes generating ideas, generate at least 5 more than asked for, to learn how to get more ideas and to develop my creativity.
  • Apply the learned methods and theories when creating a concept from an idea
Additional goals:
  • Spend at least 3 of the 8 weekly postings for the winter season on my thesis subject
  • Write at least one essay about my thesis subject
  • Practice writing and ask for feedback to improve the level of my thesis
  • Read the books or parts of books I'm asked to read

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Essay of choice: The broader view on narrowcasting

“Research agency GFK recently asked 2000 Dutch people their opinion about in store TV. (…) Almost half of the shopping people experiences this way of communication as annoying.”[1]

Ever since the term ‘Narrowcasting’ was launched, it has been criticized; not only by consumers, but also at many marketing- and new technology blogs. Some people say that everybody can do it, some say that it’s overrated and others say it’s just another variety on the ‘-casting’ hype: bluecasting, podcasting, vodcasting; it’s just a load of new marketing terms without real added value. Can professional marketeers add value to narrowcasting?

What is narrowcasting?
Narrowcasting is the opposite of broadcasting: where broadcasting reaches a broad audience, narrowcasting is all about reaching a very specific target group at a specific place. Narrowcasting is not something revolutionary. It is a combination of multiple media (at least a screen and a computer) applied in a specific environment.

So far retail is the biggest user of the technology in the Netherlands[2]; they are widely implementing it in their stores. From small applications with just one screen showing a simple PowerPoint presentation, to complicated multi-screen applications with other technologies integrated in the system. Recent numbers show an amount of already 15.000 screens in the Dutch stores[3]. It’s not so strange that retail has discovered the possibilities of narrowcasting. They already have a specific niche to market, know much about the niche and can make perfect fitting content to please their market. But retail is not the only segment which uses narrowcasting. The travel branch, catering industry and museums are just a few more examples of segments using narrowcasting.

Content matters
The most important aspect of narrowcasting is not the amount of screens or the complexity of the application. What really matters is the content of the screen[4]. Deciding the content of the screen comes with several risks. A consumer is for example not pleased seeing only advertisements. They might feel attacked by the very present -usually large- screens while they might prefer to shop quietly. The content shown on the screen(s) must have an added value for the customer’s shopping experience or the whole experience will just cause a negative association with the brand. When the shop owner can’t come up with anything more creative than just displaying advertisements on the screens, this is the moment to consult a professional marketeer. He can think of better ways to improve the shopping experience of the consumer. A good example of enriching customer experience is shown by Total. The gas stations show not only advertisements on the screens, but also information about the weather and the traffic. Since most people dropping by Total are on the road, this is definitely information they will appreciate.

It can also be more complex. A good example is the Adidas Store in Paris. The narrowcasting solution is an integrated part of the formula of the store. The customer runs on a treadmill and after technology registered the run, it allows the customer to digitally try on different running shoes which fit their feet perfectly. This feature completes the customer experience.[5] Narrowcasting enriched with new technologies and customization… it’s all about having a broader view.

There is nothing wrong for retailers to do a little do-it-yourself narrowcasting. Creative solutions do not per definition have to come from professional marketeers. The core of narrowcasting is that the shown content adds value to the customer’s shopping experience. And when a retail owner does not possess a creative mind or once it comes down to more complex solutions and inventive implementation, professional marketeers can definitely add value to narrowcasting.

Literature list
Meijsen, J., Narrowcasting – retailgroeimarkt at: (26/9/2007).
Consulted 01/10/2007.

Treur, A., Narrowcasting is voor narrowminders at: (04/11/2006).
Consulted 09/10/2007.

Van der Mey, H., Narrowcasting at: (09/2005).
Consulted 09/10/2007.

Writer unknown, Adidas to launch the world’s first "mi Innovation Center" at the new adidas Sport Performance Store in Paris at: (24/10/2006).
Consulted 01/10/2007.

[1] Albert Treur (2006)

[2] Joep Meijsen (2007)

[3] Joep Meijsen (2007)

[4] Hans van der Mey (2005)

[5] Adidas (2006)

Weekly posting 8: How to raise a nation

While working on the end assignment for this quarter, I noticed this message at Adfoblog.

Postbus 51 is the public service information centre in the Netherlands. It is part of the Government and in specific the Ministry of General Affairs.
Postbus 51 is especially know for its TV- and radiocampaigns. The name 'Postbus 51' comes from when the government opened one central mailbox for questions in the 50's: Postbus 51 in The Hague.

The TV and radio campaigns that Postbus 51 launches are mostly about 'raising' the Dutch people. A few examples of campaigns are: 'Drive with your heart', 'You smoke outside', separating garbage and "Bob jij of bob ik?" (about who is going to drive and not drink).

Every year when the budget of the Ministry of General Affairs is about to be discussed, the question rises whether the Postbus 51 campaigns are a waste of money or not. In the 'Tweede Kamer', many think it's useless, carping and expensive, says the 'Nederlands Dagblad'.

The critical CDA person Wim van de Camp says the campaigns are 'expensive operations and therefore we want to know who are reached and whether they have effect'. But, he doesn't want to dissolve Postbus 51. "We shouldn't go back to a neutral government like we had in the seventies. The government should be able to stimulate good behavior."

Some people, like Aad Muntz (72) who used to work for 'Centraal Beheer', say the messages in the campaigns should be more shocking to really affect people's behavior, like the Sire (independant foundation for idealistic commercials) campaigns. Other people say neither subtle or shocking commercials will affect people's behavior.
But what does affect people's behavior? I think personal experiences play a big role in whether people are willing to change their behavior. Imagine having lost a friend in traffic because of a drunk driver. It's not very likely you'll ever drive while being drunk. A campaign with shocking images can intensify this experience. Same goes for smoking, child abuse, fireworks etc. Experience + a little but of common sense should affect behavior, a campaign should work like a catalyst.

I think these campaigns should stay. Some with a shocking message, some with a teaching message. The context decides whether a person is touched. There is always one message for the right person at the right time. You can't expect everybody to be reached, but especially in these social subjects, every one person reached is one accident less. It's not a bad idea though to research numbers of the topics of the campaigns. This will only clarify what now is unknown and based on that, new decisions can be made to be more effective.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weekly Posting 7: Web 93750892516584236.0

I was reading a short news article about Web2.0. The term Web3.0 was mentioned in the article as well; which didn't really surprise me.
Shortly summarized:
Web 1.0 was considered a 'read only' medium on which the content was written by organizations and companies
Web 2.0 evolves in a medium where communities and user generated content are the main characteristics
Web 3.0 (also known as the Semantic Web) is best explained by quoting Tim Berners-Lee who invented the term: "I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web – the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A ‘Semantic Web’, which should make this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The ‘intelligent agents’ people have touted for ages will finally materialize." An example of how this would work can be seen here.

This was pretty much how much I knew. But then I saw the hyperlink about Web 4.0. I was curious so I clicked. Apparently Web 4.0 is a much talked about issue as well, having 105.000.000 hits on google and also mentioned at Seth Godin's blog. It's a really interesting article so if you have time, read it!

But then I started thinking...1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0..... Where does it end?
So just for fun I started Googling Web 5.0, Web6.0 etc. Here are the results:
Web 5.0 - 86,5 million hits
Web 6.0 - 77.7 million hits
Web 7.0 - 57 million hits
Web 8.0 - 38,4 million hits
Web 9.0 - 13.8 million hits
Web 10.0 - 11,1 million hits

Apparently many people are involved in the development of the web and have many thoughts on it. Now I just need a few months get up to date... At least if Web 11.0 is not developed at that time...!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Weekly post 6: Adobe User Group Meeting

Wednesday October 10th I visited an Adobe User Group meeting in Amsterdam. Every once in a while these meetings are held for anyone who works with Adobe. Several professionals give readings, examples and demos about the subject of the meeting. This meeting was about (online) interactive video applications. The guest speakers were: Beamlab, Mark de Jong (Netmasters), Elvin Dechesne en Sander Riel (Satama Flash Fabriek), Waldo Smeets (Adobe) and Jorge Calleja (Wieden & Kennedy). Not too bad I think, because Satama Flash Fabriek were the ones who created “Het huis van morgen” (2005) and Jorge Calleja was creative director in the development of the very successful “Get the glass” campaign (6 million visitors to the website, a few million gallons of milk sold more the year after). You can see his portfolio here.

The whole meeting was about online interactive video and how flash video will play an increasing role in this development. Every aspect of interactive video was brought up; Adobe told us about new technologies and safety protocols, Netmasters talked about encoding methods, software and hardware and Satama told us what you need to create a successful video shoot to implement in an interactive flash application. According to this meeting interactive video is the future online. Take a look at (created/supported by Netmasters). With Mogulus, the internet, and a webcam, “along with your talent and passion to communicate” you can create your own online TV station. It’s like blogging but then with video. Of course there is a whole network implemented as well so you can see other stations too. User generated content at -yet- another level.

A new Adobe product was also presented by the Adobe speaker, Waldo Smeets. He presented the Adobe Media Player (see how it works). It’s a stand alone flash video player. The goal is to create a personalized TV experience on the computer. It works a little bit like RSS; with the help of a feed you can download (stream, you can’t put them on your local disk) all kinds of shows and movies you like. You can also download ahead, so that when you’re offline you can still watch them. You can completely personalize the looks of the player. The player also allows bannering in the downloaded shows (flash overlays), and even when the consumer watches the shows being offline, the statistics are saved (no. of clicks etc.). There was a question what the difference was between the Adobe Media Player and Joost. The biggest difference is that Joost works with the P2P system and the AMP works like an RSS feed.

Altogether it was a very interesting meeting, a lot of different points of view on online interactive video and much inspiration for new ways to apply this technology!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Weekly Posting 5: Lost in networks

An interesting post on Mr. Anderson's personal blog made me think about social networks. So far we have seen the development of many mass-socialnetworking websites. MySpace, Facebook and Hyves are all huge friend networks. Then of course there are the more professional networking website like LinkedIn and some smaller networks which are more branch-specific. It is actually strange that in a time where marketing is more and more about niches, and favorably one-to-one, there are these mass social networks. Users define their preferences, hobbies and characteristics and advertisers have to find their potential customers in the mass.
Chris Anderson puts social networking in a different perspective. He says: "Social networking is a feature, not a destination." He believes that when social networking becomes a standard feature on any good website which is focussed on a niche, the community will work best.

I understand mr. Anderson's point; on a niche market's website, there are usually people with the same interest for that specific niche. The chances are big there is a match between those people and so a community can become reality. I also believe that up to a certain level, this can work. For example if we look at traveling. If there is a specific company who organizes fishing holidays, I can imagine a social network on the website where people can exchange experiences, make recommendations, find partners to go on a holiday with, etc.

But I do wonder though if this will really be as successful as mr. Anderson thinks it will be. I really think it's limited to very specific markets. People do not have only one interest and I wonder if they would like to sign up for 30 different communities. One for their favorite shoe brand where they discuss the new designs, one for their favorite rice where they can make friends with people who all like the same rice and one for all people who brush their teeth with ToothpasteX. Lost in networks.

The thing that makes social networking interesting, is also discovering about other people's preferences; either in music, art, clothing, traveling or any other thing. Isn't that partly what keeps the Long Tail going? That people constantly keep discovering new things they've never heard of before, but like anyway? Mass social networks make sure this happens. I'm not so sure this is also happens in social networks for every niche market...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Weeky posting 4: Hot, hotter, hottest

For me a real treat is to come home from a winter surf session, completely frozen, and then make myself a big mug of hot chocolate. So as a true hot chocolate lover of course the new commercial for the Chocomel Hot cup has caught my attention.
The newly developed cup and cupholder are, like the coffee- and teapad meant to be placed in Senseo or look-a-like machines. Luckily the Chocomel staff was smart enough not to develop pads; to prevent judicial problems.

And they've done more research. At the moment there's a trend that people want to bring high quality products into their own homes; think about the beertender, home cinema sets etc. Chocomel promises the consumer the same high quality hot chocolate as they're used to get when they go out to for example a restaurant. Add to that the consumer's need for more variety in hot drinks and it sounds like a success formula.

For me the success factor won't be the ease of use. I don't mind dirty pans. The only thing that matters to me is the taste. I will buy, I will try, but whether I will keep buying it, depends completely on the question whether my homemade 2,25 spoon of cacao 1,75 spoon of sugar 0,05 l of cold milk and 0,3l of hot milk hot chocolate tastes worse than Chocomel Hot!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekly Posting 3: Mediaexperience 2007

1997 was the first year that there was a large Media experience investigation. With this investigation it is brought together how Dutch people experience different commercial and media expressions seen through different types of media. In 2004 the investigation was repeated and it is done as well this year. Below you can read the most important results summarized:

Viewing experience changes because of online TV
The current possibility to watch TV on the PC as well, has changed the viewing experience of the medium. 'Relaxing' and 'Entertaining' are more often attached to online TV than to the original TV. The cause of this development can be the choice the consumer has with online TV. The viewer can decide what he/she wants to see, and it is more likely the consumer will choose entertainment shows in stead of serious topics.

TV and magazines share first place identification In 2004 the TV was still on the second place, behind magazines concerning identification. The fact that they now share the first place is probably because of the personalization of the TV; the distance between channel and consumer appears to become smaller.

Magazines score on practical usability
Magazines have a higher score regarding practical usability this year. For background information the consumer rather consults a magazine than the internet. Two of the possible causes of this development can be the growth of the number of specialized magazines, or the debate about the reliability of the internet.
Media experience daily papers stable

Of all types of media, the daily papers still score best on information factor and 'touch' factor.

Internet as an entertainment medium.
The development of Web2.0 and it's user generated content has shifted the value of the medium internet. At the moment it is more used for entertainment of filling empty moment. It also generates more conversation topics. Social networks like Hyves and video sites like YouTube are part of this development.

The fieldwork took place from the 13th of June to the 7th of July 2007. 1493 Dutch people from 13 years and older are questioned for the Media experience investigation 2007.

Source: TNS NIPO/Veldkamp

Weekly Posting 2: The customer's message

The development of Web2.0 and it's most important characteristic 'user generated content' are a hot topic on the internet. The interaction between customer and company is much improved because of this development. That this could lead to many advantages for the marketing industry seems obvious, but the Canadian supermarket chain 'President's Choice' proves the advantage with a perfect example of gaining customer insights with the help of the online possibilities.

Customers of the supermarket chain can write online product reviews. While doing that they are asked if the information they supply can be freely used by P.C. As a result, customers can now read other customer's quotes in the supermarket right at the product itself. For example, a quote currently shown at the vegetarian lasagne: "Even my 17 year old, vegetable hating son loves it".

Naturally the store shows only positive product reviews. But to be taken seriously as a company, P.C. realized they had to use the negative feedback as well. So this is now forwarded to the product development department. As a result, products can be taken off the shelves and be improved very quickly.

I wonder if the quote technique would work in the Netherlands. Maybe we are just too 'cool' to be touched by dramatic sentences like that. Ratings might work thought. These are more to the point. The way they use the negative feedback is great though. It's an easy way of getting more customer insight and the PD department directly knows what part of the product should be improved.

Source: Emerce
Read the complete article hier

Weekly posting 1: Can I have your attention please?

Some people have troubles doing (powerpoint) presentations. That's fine; the only risk is that your audience falls asleep halfway. Of course you would like to prevent that from happening, so there are many solutions. Here's one of the original ones:

Would you rather learn to make good powerpoint presentations to keep your audience awake? Check this out.

Thanks to Upstream.

Class 3: Design Phases

BIC Ballpoint


Bacardi: "Do the Mojito"

Market Exploitation
Ben&Jerry's in blockbusters

Class 3: Design examples

Philips Lumalive

D-toren Doetinchem
D-toren is een kunstwerk in opdracht van de gemeente Doetinchem dat de emoties van de inwoners van Doetinchem peilt en in kaart brengt. D-toren meet dagelijks de mate van GELUK, LIEFDE, ANGST en HAAT aan de hand van verschillende onderwerpen.

Hybrid cars: Toyota Prius

Interior Design
Lunar Labs

New company logo V&D

‘De boom staat symbool voor het totaalwarenhuis van Nederland. Alles onder een dak, diep geworteld in de Nederlandse samenleving en elk seizoen weer anders.’

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Battle of concepts: Astma Fonds

Again we joined the battle of concepts... This time Asmidin, Peter, Omer and I created a concept for the Astma Fonds.
You can see the result here (ppt).

Interviews RockArt Museum Hoek van Holland

For the project of this quarter I have interviewed 6 people from the target group. The target group is families with children. I interviewed 6 parents. First I asked general questions; about what role music plays in their lives and their music preferences. After that I explained the project and our concept.
Underneath you can read the results, some interesting answers and how we use these answers in our project.

Part 1: General musical interests
The ages of the people I interviewed varied from 27 to 51. I interviewed 3 women
and 3 men.
For 5 out of 6 people, music is important in their lives. It influences them in all kinds of ways: when they like a song they buy a
CD (2) or download it (3), they go out dancing, they go to concerts and listen to music while driving their car. One person said it influences her mood; music makes her happy or sad. Every person interviewed relates music to memories.
Their music taste varies from
Deep Purple to Tiësto, from the Eagles to Phil Collins and from the Golden Earring to Robbie Williams.
For most people their music taste has not changed over the years, it only did for one person; from rock to R&B/ Pop.

To the question whether they attach much emotional value to music, most answered neutral (they were given an indication from 1-5 (very little – very much).
Social value scored much higher, an average of 4.
It’s interesting to see that cultural value was important for
the women (score 5) but not so important for men (score 2).

All interviewed people agree that it is important to preserve the Dutch musical heritage.
Neither of the people had ever heard of the
RockArt Museum in Hoek van Holland.

Part 2: the museum and its goals
After this first part of exploring the role music plays in general in our target groups lives, I explained the museum and its

All the people think it is a good initiative, but only three consider actually visiting the museum some time. If there is to come a ‘National Pop Museum’ (a goal for the RockArt Museum), they would want it to be more than just expositions. They would be interested in musical experiences, making music themselves and a large database where you can find any music related information.
Although only three would visit it, all agree that a
National Pop Museum would be an added value to the Dutch society.

Part 3: explaining the campaign
In the third part of the interview I explained the campaign we are planning to start for the RockArt
museum. I explained the concept, without showing any visuals yet.

All people answered that they like the initiative and that if they would see it somewhere, they’d support it. Supporting would be done by telling around (4) and if possible signing a petition that the National Pop Museum should become reality (2).

Part 4: visuals of the cards
The fourth part of the interview was showing some visuals of the cards we want to spread with the promotional campaign.

To the question ‘How does this card make you feel?’ five people answered: curious. This is exactly what we were hoping for. But of course one person answered something different. She said she didn’t feel anything and she would throw it away. I showed her another card with an artist I thought she might like more and asked her if this changed her mind. It didn’t because she still didn’t like the artist, but she came to the conclusion that if she saw a card with an artist she liked, she would be curious as well. For the promotion campaign it is thus important we have a big variety of artists shown on the cards.

Because we are planning to distribute the cards in public transport, I asked the people whether they travel by public transport, and if yes by what means. Only three of the six people travel by public transport on a regular basis. Therefore we came to the conclusion that we should distribute the cards at other public places as well. Suggestions from the people I interviewed were: busy shopping centers like the ‘koopgoot’, the airport, the harbor of Rotterdam where all the ferries arrive, cafés (music related places), gasstations or roadrestaurants and the Nieuwe Waterweg (Hoek van Holland, many tourists in the summer).

Other interesting remarks about the cards were:

- Make it clear on the cards that the museum already exists; now I would think there’s nothing there yet and that there is only a plan for a National Pop Museum

- Music is a colorful thing. Can’t the cards be more colorful?

All remarks are taken in consideration and used in the project.

On the back of the card is a URL to the campaign website, Five of six interviewed people say they would visit the website after seeing this card.

Part 5: campaign website and (viral) game
The fifth part of the interview. I explained the campaign website and the (viral) game that is attached to it. Four of the six people would play the game. The two who wouldn’t, wouldn’t because they don’t like to give away their email address. I asked them whether their opinions would change if they could win something. This doesn’t influence their answer.
All four would send the game to people they know, especially if this improves their chances of winning.

Part 6: the website
The last part of the interview was about the website for the RockArt museum. I first showed them the current website; To the answer whether they liked what they saw, all six said no. I asked them why they didn’t like it and this were the answers:

- To much information/ chaos

- Takes too ling to find information

- It’s not up to date

- Looks unprofessional

- Looks boring

- Too many colours

- Logo sucks

- Menu not readable

- I hate the scrolling

After that I showed them the prototype we’ve developed for the RockArt Museum and asked the same question: “Do you like what you see?”
One person said ‘No’, five people said ‘Yes, but…’.
I asked the person who said ‘No’, what she didn’t like about it. She answered that she thought it was too black. She did think it looked more professional and organized though. We’ve taken this comment in consideration and will use more shades of grey.

Other comments on the site were:

- I’d like more space, now it still looks messy to me

- I’d like the headers to be bigger

Positive remarks were:

- I feel like watching the movie

- I want to click on the items shown on the homepage (3)

- This looks professional (5)

- The menu looks clear

- I like the search function! (4)

Altogether I think these interviews have really given me a better view of the target group and that we’re going in the right direction. In general they all like the concept; there are only some minor adjustments we have to make, based on what the interviewed people said. The remarks were really valuable, because they make you see things from a different angle. Everything is taken in consideration and we’ve made some changes already. The final result of the project will be online the 5th of July.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Innovation without a customer is not innovation

836 words

To prove the phrase stated in the title of this essay either wrong or right, we’ll have to define the meaning of the word ‘innovation’. A random dictionary translates the word innovation as ‘the introduction of something new’. But in today’s world, what is new? Is it body lotion with ‘skin-identical lipids’, extra large coffee-pads for a mug of coffee instead of a cup, or a cell phone with a 3.0 megapixel camera instead of 2.0? These products are all introduced to the market as innovative, but are they really? Or are they just improvements of products which ones were innovations? And even more important, what is the role of the value a consumer attaches to the so-called innovation? Should the word ‘innovative’ be related to the value the consumer attaches to it? Can a product be tagged ‘innovative’ if the consumer doesn’t want it?

A perfect example of a case which emphasizes that innovation without a customer is not innovation is the Nestlé story in April of this year. With the help of many experts, Nestlé decided it was time to ‘innovate’ their chocolate brand Cailler. A new recipe and a new wrap were the result. One thing Nestlé ‘forgot’ was to research whether there actually was a need for this innovation. What should have been a boost for the traditional chocolate brand eventually ended up as a total failure. One of the causes for this failure was the non-recyclable wrap. In a time like this, where climate changes and environmental issues are a huge trend, Nestlé could have easily known the non-recyclable wrap would not be a good idea. Not only research about the needs and wants of the customers lacked; apparently research lacked at all points.

A person with an interesting view on new products is Gijs van Wulfen. This economist, writer, marketer and innovation accelerator doesn’t only have an opinion about what innovation is, but also knows the importance of customer insights.
Gijs van Wulfen sees
it this way: each ‘new’ product can be placed in a category. There are three different categories: new to the world, new to the market and new to the company.
In his opinion, innovat
ion can be applied in all three categories. The classification just decides what the amount of innovation is. Clearly the new to the world products are the most innovative; new to the company products are innovative as well, but just for the company.
I consider new to the market and new to the company products not as innovative. I rather see them as ‘me too’ products or improvements of products that already exist.

But let’s say there is a new to the world product. It’s never been seen before. This would then be called a truly innovative product. But then there is the customer issue. Does the world, to which the product is so new, need it? When innovating, Gijs van Wulfen emphasizes the importance of customer insights: “A customer insight is a fresh and not-yet-obvious understanding of customers that can become the basis for competitive advantage.”

Especially in this time where (potential) customers can so easily be reached (internet), this should be one of the first steps in the process of developing a new product. But Nestlé is not the only company who lacks researching customer insights. Recent research done by MarketResponse shows that marketers lack to explore good ways to get customer insights. The current developments on the internet make it easy for marketers to contact their (potential) customers. All they have to do is take a look at social networking websites to find out about their preferences. It appears from the research that many marketers don’t know how to handle the information.
In my opinion in the process of innovating could be enriched with customer insights easily this way. All the marketers have to do is take the step into this world that seems so hard for them to reach.

I think a product can only be tagged ‘innovative’ when it meets two requirements:
1. The product is new to the world
2. There is a market for the product
When the newly introduced product doesn’t meet one of these requirements, I think it is not innovative. Is it not new to the world, but there is a market for it? That is fine, but not innovative. It is simply a ‘me too’ product or an improvement of an existing product. Is the product new to the world, but there is no market for it? Then the product is useless, it will not generate profit and it is not worth the word innovative. It’s clear that an innovation defined as above, results in very little innovations a year. But isn’t this what being innovative is all about? Not every company can simply define themselves as being innovative; it is something you have to earn by introducing a world-changing product. It takes understanding your customer and whole lot of creativity and competence, not just adding to word ‘innovative’ to your positioning.

Jacqueline Fackeldey. Innovatie zonder de klant is geen innovatie: Nestlé chocola voor alle Zwitsers.
Molblog. April 24th, 2007. June 30th, 2007, <>

Gijs van Wulfen (2006). Nieuwe producten bedenken. Amsterdam: Pearson Education Benelux

Onderzoek naar gebruik online sociale netwerken: marketeers zijn nog te voorzichtig. Marketing Online. June 25th, 2007. June 29th, 2007, <>

Saturday, June 30, 2007

[13] Experimentless marketeers

Blogging, social networking, Twitter, online shopping, YouTube and Flickr; all examples of the current Web 2.0 development.
MarketResponse is one of the first research agencies which has done research about social networking websites like Hyves, MySpace and Second Life. By who, how and when they are used. The result: used and well known by many consumers, but not by marketeers.
'Most marketeers have no clue how to handle these developments.'

Apparently the experimental level of the marketeers is very low. Some of the marketeers who were there at the presentation of the results of the research had never even seen or heard of Hyves, although Hyves is known by 97% of the consumers.

Some results of the research also explain why this area is not a very popular place for marketeers; one of every five men lies about his sex and for women this is one out of ten. One of every four men lies about his age and one out of every eleven women do this too.
This doesn't make it very easy for marketeers to reach their target groups.

53% of the questioned consumers were positive about commercial expressions on the social networking websites, although it wouldn't add more value to a company's vision, innovation or general exposure.

Since the current situation on the internet is how it is, marketeers will just have to be more curious and open-minded. They shouldn't be scared about things they don't know, but they should just dive in and find new opportunities.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Brainstorm summary & Product concept

Brainstorm summary
Friday the 15th of June, Harro, Wendy and Wesley organized a college. After an interesting and very good presentation by Gijs van Wulfen, the students told us a little bit about brainstorming techniques. One of the techniques we applied in class. We were divided into groups and started brainstorming with “Crazy objects”. This is a creative technique which is completely disconnected from the original product. This technique doesn’t fit businesslike, rational thinkers. With this technique you really learn to think out of the box!
The objects we were given were a snuffer and a fly swatter. Using these objects we had to come up with as many product ideas we could. We started with the flye swatter. We had about ten minutes. In the beginning I noticed that we were all a little bit uncomfortable; I guess everybody was afraid to say something stupid. This is not very uncommon; it’s one of the things that happen with brainstorming. But an important thing about the first phase of brainstorming is that there are no wrong ideas. It’s about quantity, not quality. So after the first ideas were given and everybody got over the being uncomfortable, the ideas followed up very quickly. So quickly that Kim, our facilitator (who ‘manages’ the brainstorm and writes everything down), wasn’t able to keep up the writing. During the brainstorm it was important to look at all the product characteristics separately and see what it could be used for. Some of the ideas we came up with for the fly swatter: filter, bicycle decoration, diving board for hamsters, a wing, sword and a pointer.
The next object was a snuffer. It was obvious that everybody felt good and the craziest ideas were given: vodka dosing cup, mayonnaise dipper, thimble, instrument, fly catcher, egg cup, water finder, spade, stethoscope and megaphone.
The next step now is to take one of these ideas and make a product concept of it. I chose the snuffer and here is the product concept…

Luxurious “bitterbal” server
A “bitterbal” is a typical Dutch snack, served at parties, at bars or just as finger food. They’re fried meatballs and are a small version of the Dutch “kroket”. They’re usually served with mustard. Although the name indicates it, the taste is not bitter. The name originates from the drink they were meant to be served with; a bittertje (a small glass of Dutch jenever).
The sight of a formally dressed person trying to elegantly eat a still too hot bitterbal whilst holding a glass of champagne is as Dutch as someone letting a herring slide down his or her throat at a fish stall at the market.

And this is exactly what this bitterbal server is developed for. It’s the solution for the clumsiness which comes with eating a too hot bitterbal! If you recognize the next scenario, the bitterbal server is the solution for you!
You live in a beautiful house; Jan de Bouvrie interior, expensive materials and beautiful colors. You care about design. And then it is time for a party. What do you serve at a party? Yes, bitterballen.
First of all, a bitterbal placed in the bitterbal server, looks a lot better than just eating this strange looking object, which looks like it’s been grabbed from the street, out of your hand. With this server the bitterbal no longer looks like a cheap, ordinary snack. You no longer have to be embarrassed to serve them.
Second of all, the server allows the eater to leave the bitterbal in its holder while eating. This prevents an awful scenario of putting the still too hot bitterbal in your mouth as a whole and having to spit it out because your mouth is burning! With the bitterbal server you can just take small bites and that looks far more charming!

The bitterbal server is created from durable materials such as rust-proof steel. It can be placed in the dishwasher. The grip doesn’t transport heat so you don’t have to worry about burning your hands. The user-friendly design makes sure your guests don’t spill bitterbal particles on the ground. It’s easy to hold and lies comfortably in your hand.

The servers are sold in packages of ten pieces for € 19,95.

Positioning: “The bitterbal server; eating bitterballen with style”

- Takes away the clumsiness which comes with eating bitterballen
- Makes bitterballen look less cheap and ordinary

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Product brainstorm

Friday the 15th of June some classmates organized a class. The writer of the book 'Nieuwe producten bedenken', Gijs van Wulfen, was invited to give a 'lecture' about his book. He turned out to be a very funny guy and a great presenter, who got everybody's attention. After this lecture we did a small brainstorm session. We were divided into groups, got several products and had to come up with as many product ideas as we could.
Our group got a snuffer and a fly swatter.
Below the results! (in Dutch)


· Hashpijp · Wodka-doseerder · Koffie-doseerder · Mayo-dipper · Lui-oog-afplakker · Vingerhoed · Muziekinstrument · Inbraak-middel · Spiraaltje · Bovenkijkje · Vliegenvanger · Eierdopje · Waterzoeker · Eikelharnas · Ratel · Schep · Lepel · Stetoscoop · Balletje-balletje · Luidspreker · Kandelaar · Klok-klepel/peddel · Breinaald · Bellenblaas · Penisring · Thermometer · Kroket-slicer · Satestok voor BBQ · Collecte voor de kerk · Bitterbal-houder · Cirkel-maker · Spermabank-opvangbakje · Wc-rolhouder · Sjoel · Zwembadhaak · Curling · Tandartshaak · Oculair · Trechter

Fly swatter:

· Poffertjes-omdraaier · Boterham-smeerder · Kaaswurmpjes-maker · Ping pong batje · Spiraal · Cirkel-trekker · Strafmiddel · Sextoy · Tuin-omspitter · Visjes-vang-net · Filter · Moordwapen · Bellenblaas · Multi-bellenblaas · Fietsversierder · Sleutelhanger · Duikplank · Fietsklepper · Vlieg-vleugel · Schuimopklopper · Spatel · Penisring · Masseer-ding · Scheerschuim-aanbrenger · Order-bewaarder · Kunstplant · Zwaard · Lucht-ventilator · Doodskist-versierder · Wijzer van een klok · Aanwjzer · Stropdas · Armband · Vergrootglas · Metaaldetector · Zonnebril · Zeefdrukker · Twister · Vliegtuigbordjes · Dirigentie-stokje · Sla-droger · Mattenklopper · Poepschepper · Kattapult · Promotiemateriaal · Peddel · Visitekaartje · Schietbaan-target · Kermis-attractie · Muziekinstrument · Slee · Drumstok · Ruggenkrabber · Toupeer-ding · Coup-soleil-ding

[12] Reminder

I was in the train this morning and noticed a funny advertisement in the 'Metro'. It's probably done before but I'd never seen it and thought it was pretty remarkable:
A shiny sticker pretending to be a post-it, reminding the person reading it to bring Sloggi underwear (3+1 for free). On the post-it is a big arrow, pointing to the original add, which is in the newspaper itself. Which I never even would have noticed if it wasn't for the post-it!
The placement and material are really cleverly thought about. Newspaper = mat paper, shiny sticks out. Front page heading is first read, sticker overlaps it!
I didn't actually buy the products, but at least the brand got my attention!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Moodboard Project RockArt

VOORT - what is it?

1) VOORT method in one sentence:

VOORT is an integral method for thinking of new products, from first idea to mini business case.

2) Who invented the stage gate model?

Robert G. Cooper

3) What does this model contain?

The stage gate model is a conceptual and operational road map for moving a new-product project from idea to launch. Stage gate divides the effort into distinct stages separated by management decision gates. Cross-functional teams must successfully complete a prescribed set of related cross-functional tasks in each stage prior to obtaining management approval to proceed to the next stage of product development.

4) Shortly describe each phase of the VOORT method

This is the kick-off of the VOORT process. In this phase, a specially gained, enthusiastic, multi-discipline team on an expedition, for example by doing ‘innovation focus workshops’.
In this phase the innovation team has gathered relevant customer insights and discovered best practices. They have visited sources of inspiration and had insight workshops.
At this moment there are 12 attractive, and assumed reachable new product concepts developed, based on a new product brainstorm.
The 8-10 most attractive product concepts are chosen. In this phase the management and clients are asked for their first reactions and the weaknesses of the development brainstorm are defined.
4-6 attractive new product concepts fill up the innovation pipeline. A mini business case is now developed and there are presentations for the line-management. Eventually the chosen product concept is integrated in the innovation process.

5) What is a customer insight?

A customer insight is a fresh and not-yet-obvious understanding of customers that can become the basis for competitive advantage,

6) In which phase of the concept development should the right customer insights be collected?

Fase 2; Ontdekken

Sunday, June 3, 2007

[11] Fiction Finally Fact

I guess we've all been waiting for this since we saw Minority Report. But finally the fiction has become a fact! Microsoft introduces 'Microsoft Surface'. Briefly a digital coffee table which can be manipulated with your own hands. The added value to this oversized, horizontal touchscreen is that it interacts with other devices like digital cameras and cellphones. For example you take a photo with your digital camera. You place the camera on the MS Surface. The surface automatically extracts the photo from the camera and shows it on the screen. With your hands you can grab the photo, manipulate it (turn, resize) and for instance place it in your mobile phone which is on the surface as well!

Right now the product will only be sold to companies. Prices vary between 5.000 and 10.000 euro. Eventually this product will be available for everybody and in the future nobody will even be able to imagine a world without it!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

[10] No words necessary

This (viral) movie, launched by the 'Vlaamse Groenen' for the upcoming federal elections definitely gave me some chills. The message is clearly not unfamiliar or new, but I like the way it's designed. Simplicity, original, no words (have you ever seen an election campaign without anything being said??) and very well timed, not only with the upcoming election, but also with the discussion about our environment being more active than ever.

I must admit that I guess I'm more involved in the environment than an average person, but still,
let's hope this movie will cause more goosebumps!

New Products

New to the Market
1) Nokia N95

2) Samsung U600

3) Water

4) Chocofrites - French fries made of chocolate

5) Moody Speaker - The colour of the light changes based on the tones of the music (QM)

6) Wooden USB Stick - OOOMS

7) Sony VOIP telephone/ mouse

8) Kitten MP3-player

9) LCD screen under the hood of a car

10) Tostihouse

New to the company
11) Hannspree TV's -

12) Cafe Smooth - DE

13) "Kroidiege Tomatosoep" - Unox

14) I pay 10 - Apple

15) Digital Photoframe - Philips

About Me

I'm a student Communication & Multimedia Design.