Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekly Posting 3: Mediaexperience 2007

1997 was the first year that there was a large Media experience investigation. With this investigation it is brought together how Dutch people experience different commercial and media expressions seen through different types of media. In 2004 the investigation was repeated and it is done as well this year. Below you can read the most important results summarized:

Viewing experience changes because of online TV
The current possibility to watch TV on the PC as well, has changed the viewing experience of the medium. 'Relaxing' and 'Entertaining' are more often attached to online TV than to the original TV. The cause of this development can be the choice the consumer has with online TV. The viewer can decide what he/she wants to see, and it is more likely the consumer will choose entertainment shows in stead of serious topics.

TV and magazines share first place identification In 2004 the TV was still on the second place, behind magazines concerning identification. The fact that they now share the first place is probably because of the personalization of the TV; the distance between channel and consumer appears to become smaller.

Magazines score on practical usability
Magazines have a higher score regarding practical usability this year. For background information the consumer rather consults a magazine than the internet. Two of the possible causes of this development can be the growth of the number of specialized magazines, or the debate about the reliability of the internet.
Media experience daily papers stable

Of all types of media, the daily papers still score best on information factor and 'touch' factor.

Internet as an entertainment medium.
The development of Web2.0 and it's user generated content has shifted the value of the medium internet. At the moment it is more used for entertainment of filling empty moment. It also generates more conversation topics. Social networks like Hyves and video sites like YouTube are part of this development.

The fieldwork took place from the 13th of June to the 7th of July 2007. 1493 Dutch people from 13 years and older are questioned for the Media experience investigation 2007.

Source: TNS NIPO/Veldkamp

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I'm a student Communication & Multimedia Design.