Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New to the World

Everything is possible in the United States of America.
So I was not surprised when I heard about this 'new to the world'- product:
A birth control pill which stops women from menstruating. On the contrary of any normal birth control pill, this one doesn't have a stop-period; the period a woman usually starts menstruating.
Lybrell, as the pill is called, will be available for women in the USA from half July. The American Health department has already assured that this pill is not dangerous for ones health.
I 'm always a little bit sceptical about these kind of products which disturb natural processes. Of course it sounds wonderful to never have a period again, but how can this be healthy? This can not be how it is supposed to be meant, by whoever created a womens body. If so, he or she would have made it function like that him or herself, knowing that having a period is not the most fun part of the month. And if this is such a new invention, how do they know this will not harm our health on the long term? Well, they don't, some sources say. But medical experts say: "There are risks that come along with any oral contraception." What a relieve. What happens to the hormones? Since every woman reacts so differently to menstruation and other birth control pills already, how do they know for sure that this one does not make things worse? Again, they don't. "About half the women enrolled in studies of Lybrel dropped out, said Dr. Daniel Shames, a deputy director in the FDA's drugs office. Many did so because of the irregular and unscheduled bleeding and spotting that can replace scheduled menstruation." Great! What an invention.

We can expect Lybrell in the Netherlands in the year 2008.

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I'm a student Communication & Multimedia Design.